Sermons from 2019

Gifts for the Common Good – 16 June 2019

Gifts for the Common Good – 1 Corinthians 12:4-27 – 16 June 2019

We have the Apostle Paul to thank for the image of the Body of Christ. In this particular passage, he was addressing the quarrelling followers of Jesus in Corinth. Paul had established this Christian community only a few years earlier, and he was writing because he had heard they couldn’t agree on leadership. So, they were arguing amongst themselves. Paul is trying to tell them in this letter-you’re missing the point. Spend your energy on what Jesus taught us. Respect the gifts in each other. And it doesn’t matter what race or class or ethnic background you are, we are all equal in the eyes of the one God. We are all imperfect but we are all valuable people.

There’s a lot of talk in our country lately about values. The political landscape is bringing to the forefront all the “issues” that have been used to divide us. Australians have been no different than the church goers in Corinth-arguing about leadership.

Yet, no church is more a mess than the church Paul writes to in Corinth. If you ever feel bad about the church, just read 1 Corinthians; you’ll feel much better! Paul’s first letter, what we call 1 Corinthians, was full of advice on how to get back on track as a church. His second letter, what we call 2 Corinthians, showed that they had listened to him and made some much-needed changes.

The Detour of Doubt – 28 April 2019

A Sermon by Rev janice Freeston at the concluding service of Rev Rob and Thea Buchan.

The Detour of Doubt 28/4/19 Kiama – John 20:19-31
Have you ever been driving along the street and you come to a detour? Maybe there is road works or an accident or something and you are not permitted to continue the way you wanted to go. You have to turn around or down a side street in a whole other direction. Sometimes it is a short loop, other times it costs you hours. I don’t know whether it is my independent streak or whether it is a normal reaction, but I get quite put out when someone else decides where I should go!